Akershus Fortress is a great place to discover Oslo’s history and enjoy a summer day.

The building of Akershus Castle and Fortress was commenced in 1299 under king Håkon V. The medieval castle, which was completed in the 1300s, had a strategic location at the very end of the headland, and withstood a number of sieges throughout the ages. King Christian IV (1588-1648) had the castle modernised and converted into a Renaissance castle and royal residence.

The fortress area is a popular venue for major events, including concerts, public holiday celebrations and ceremonies.

every day at 07–18
Ordinary ticket: NOK 100
Honors/students/groups of more than 10 people: NOK 60
Children 6–18 years: NOK 40
Family (Two adults + up to four children): NOK 250
Free with Oslo Passport
All payments by card/cash. We do not accept vouchers.
Ordinary : NOK100
Honours/student: 60
Child: 40
(0–6 years: free)
Family: (2+4): 250
Groups of at least 10 people : NOK 60 (per person)
Military / friends association: NOK
With OsloPass : NOK
Adults: NOK100
Children: NOK40
Student/senior NOK60
Family NOK250
School visits – NOK750 per class
Group (min. 10 people) NOK60